


送信者 奥さま((((●・ω・)ノ♡はマーメイド?!!

私ことPirica Otsukaはkatsu Atlas と2/22に正式に入籍し
ここOGASAWARA Pirica教会にて昨晩は結婚式☆披露宴を行い
本当にさくさんの方々にご参列・ご参加して 頂きまして本当にありがとうございました。

It is a ceremony of a theme / the happiness that is a SLLife maximum to bind a "marriage" partner together.
Pirica held a wedding ceremony by the cooperation of the people whom I did not entrust 4/4 with of this year.
I write down an article at that time.
I had I Pirica Otsuka registered its marriage to katsu Atlas and 2/22 formally, and the attendance participate in the various places of the I performed a wedding ceremony / a banquet last night, and to really bloom at here OGASAWARA Pirica church, and thank you very much.

送信者 奥さま((((●・ω・)ノ♡はマーメイド?!!

SNSの日記に書いてくださったフレンドさんの日記 終わってからも
式の日取りが決まり準備の1ヶ月間 多くの関係者様方には
この時満開の桜の花びらが ゆっくり地に舞い降りるように
ひと花びらごとに みなさまにお礼を言い続けて行きたいそんな気持ちでいっぱいです。

The darling who gave a message of the love for Pirica of the mermaid.
It was it at the night when an impression still soaked into a heart still more with a tingle even after an expression / a banquet was over, and the third diary of the meeting friend whom it was over, and wrote it in the diary of SNS promptly from midnight was over.
As for the feeling that I cannot do even if I can have the date of the expression is fixed, and many people concerned really write time and trouble time for one month of preparations and thank you heartily, until the end of it with such a feeling that wants to continue thanking every person petal so that cherry blossom petals in full blossom then swoop down slowly in the ground.

送信者 奥さま((((●・ω・)ノ♡はマーメイド?!!

●OGASAWARA Pirica 教会を造ってくださった KyotaさんJoyさんご夫婦http://kyota.slmame.com/ この教会はイベントの中で結婚報告をした時にOGASAWARAで式を挙げましょうとKyotaさんのお言葉で製作に入ったSL世界でたたひとつしかないPiricaのイメージ「教会」です。それから1つ目の人魚の花嫁衣裳はKyotaさんの紹介で人魚神殿で購入させていただきました。
●Wedding DressKeitoさんhttp://keitolane.slmame.com/ OGASAWARAにもSHOPを出していただいてるKeitoさん今回WeddingDressを作っていただくにあたってレースをふんだんに使って「風と共に去りぬ」のスカーレット・オハラのようなDressのイメージでとお願いして仕上がったDressです。

●披露宴・お色なおし 妖精のDressmiririさんhttp://miriri.slmame.com/ OGASAWARAにSHOPを出して出して頂いてるmiririさん。人魚花嫁から女性にそして今度はみなさまに愛を運ぶ妖精のイメージでとお願いして仕上がったドレスはたくさんの薔薇を鏤めた情熱と強い愛情のインパクトのあるDressに仕上がりました。

●結婚式 司会・進行JOYさん教会造り・装飾・式進行・演出もう何から何までお世話になりました。http://keitolane.slmame.com/


●披露宴・2次会 会場 「メモリア」イナリンさんメモリアオーナー メモリアスタッフの皆様http://memoria.slmame.com/ メモリア OGASAWARA移転直後に結婚式披露宴会場のご提供をお願いし本当に忙しい時間をさいて会場造り・披露宴進行イメージを考えて下さいました。

●Music StarMine BGM付花火ショーナチュさんhttp://naturalway.slmame.com/ 私たち夫婦・そしてゲストの皆様に花火ショーを開催して頂き披露宴をMAXに盛り上げてくれました。

●披露宴・2次会進行ミラクルさんhttp://afrofamily.slmame.com/ OGASAWARAを拠点とするAFRO GPのオーナー披露宴・2次会の司会を3次会まで長時間に渡り楽しく盛り上げて頂きました。

●Wedding cakezusiさんhttp://zusi.slmame.com/ 今回作成までの期間が短かったにも関わらずゴージャスでキュートなウエデングケーキを作って下さいました。

●引きで物 Weddingぺんちゃん・ぺんこゴンベさんhttp://aquarium.slmame.com/
http://ameblo.jp/aqua-shop-gonbe/ Keitoさんhttp://keitolane.slmame.com/ 引きで物は絶対ぺんちゃんシリーズがいいと多分主人の次に愛してるぺんちゃんで作って頂いたウエデングぺんちゃん・ぺんこはPiricaと同じウエデングDressを着ています。

●引きで物 ハートのリースと篭フラワーさくらさんhttp://sakuramemory.slmame.com/ OGASAWARAにmiririさんと一緒にSHOPを出されているさくらさんにみなさまにお花をお届けしたい気持ちでお花の作成をお願いしました。

●特別品 WeddingぺんちゃんぺんこSpecial置物ごんべさんこの結婚の記念日にどうしてもどうしてもウエデングぺんちゃん・ペンコの置物を作って欲しいとPiricaのわがままでごんべさんにお願いして特別に作って頂いた超レアの記念品になりました。

●Wedding 看板miririさん繊細で私たちを暖かく包み込むようなシンプルで素敵な看板を作っていただきました。この看板も大切な宝物となりました。

●キュートプチWedding cakeEimyさんOGASAWARAシェルモールに出店されているEmiyさんは主人のフレンドでこの日のために私たちの名前入りWeddingケーキを作って頂きました。

● Kyota Joy couple http://kyota.slmame.com/ which made an OGASAWARA Pirica church is an image "church" of one Pirica in the SL world that entered the production by words of Kyota to raise an expression in OGASAWARA when this church marries in an event and reported it. Then I purchased the bridal costume of the first mermaid by an introduction of Kyota in a mermaid shrine.
● Keito having Wedding DressKeito http://keitolane.slmame.com/ OGASAWARA give SHOP is for an image of Dress which I use the race abundantly on having you make WeddingDress this time, and seem to be Scarlett O'Hara of "Gone with the Wind" and Dress which I ask, and was finished.
● Banquet-colored miriri which I suppose and start SHOP in Dressmiriri http://miriri.slmame.com/ OGASAWARA of the fairy, and have you start it. To a woman and the dress which I asked for the image of the fairy who carried love to the people this time, and was finished were finished in Dress with the impact of passion and strong love studded with a lot of roses from a mermaid bride.
● Wedding ceremony chairmanship / progress JOY church structure / decoration-style progress / direction was already taken care of everything. http://keitolane.slmame.com/
● I undertook an important role with friend of the clergyman Hot master. I have accessories open a store in OGASAWARA shell lacing braid.
● I asked for the offer of the wedding ceremony banquet meeting place just after banquet .2 next meeting meeting place "memo rear" Ina Lin memo rear owner memo rear staff http://memoria.slmame.com/ memo rear OGASAWARA move and bloomed between really busy time and thought about a meeting place structure / a banquet progress image.
● I had Music StarMine BGM Mr. and Mrs. belonging to fireworks show naturalway http://naturalway.slmame.com/ us and guests hold fireworks show and enlivened a banquet in MAX.
● I had I crossed it to the chairmanship third meeting of next owner banquet .2 society of AFRO GP which assumed banquet .2 next meeting progress miracle http://afrofamily.slmame.com/ OGASAWARA a foothold for long time and I was happy and heap up it.
● I made WeddingCake which Wedding cakezusi http://zusi.slmame.com/ was gorgeous though a period to making was short this time, and was cute.
● It is thing Wedding-Penchan / PenkoGonbe http://aquarium.slmame.com/ by a pull WeddingPenchan&Penko which had you make the thing with Penchan which probably you love next to the master if the absolute Penchan series is good by http://ameblo.jp/aqua-shop-gonbe/ Keito http://keitolane.slmame.com/ discount wears WeddingDress same as Pirica.
● I asked cherry tree given SHOP with miriri by a pull by lease and basket flower decoy http://sakuramemory.slmame.com/ OGASAWARA of the thing heart for the making of the flower with the feeling that wanted to send a flower to.
● It was it to a souvenir of the super rare that had I was selfish and asked Gonbe and make it particularly of Pirica when I wanted you to make an ornament of WeddingPenchan&Penko by all means by all means on a memorial day of this specialty WeddingPenchan&PenkoSpecial ornament GOnbe marriage.
● I had Wedding drawing card miriri was delicate and make the simple, wonderful signboard which wrapped us up warmly. This signboard became the important treasure.
● Emiy opened a store by CUTE & PetitWedding cakeEimy OGASAWARA shell lacing braid had you make an entering our name Wedding cake with a friend of the master for this day. ※ There will be possibility of the change in the blog URL of the guidance in future. (2,007/8/21 現)
送信者 奥さま((((●・ω・)ノ♡はマーメイド?!!


And I had a lot of celebration / bounty pre-cent of we marriage.
Thank you for motor scooter tea set pajamas sexy swimsuit / doll / meal ticket for flower / accessories / newly-married couples and a message warm above all.
I think that it is not possible for an answer even if I get a blessing in a wedding ceremony / a banquet from really much one, and time pushes it with our unripe movement, and time has IM in an expression / the wedding reception middle, and there was able to be the thing that it is rude, but please permit it it.


I had you spend time when people were precious for us, and thank you very much.
I find happiness. With this beloved person. Thank you.
I want to continue saying so forever.
Thank you. With all the thanks and.
Thank you!!

Ogasawara Pirica Church
"OGASAWARA SL Information Guide"

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